Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This Officiating is Offensive

Last night was the epitome of the postseason when it comes to the officiating. Why does it have to be this way. Consistency seems to be a forgotten art in this industry. Another thing that has me puzzled is the drama that it creates. I want justice and we are not getting a fair opportunity for just that.

One player in particular yesterday had the best game that I have seen him play in the playoffs. Jordan Farmer has been terrible with the time he has received this year, but was a much needed spark off the bench with his production last night. He was the main reason there wasn't a Shannon Brown citing.

It is a move (jump stop) that has become popular for the last decade-and-some-change now and the league has just started to pick up on it recently. But just think if LeBron (golden boy) gets called for the travel on any jump-stop that he does. He would lead the league in turnovers easily. The officals have only called travel on that move (infamous crab dribble) once on "The King."

Another instance was when Mickeal Pietrus had a brake-away after a turnover in the second period. Farmer fouled him to prevent the dunk around the three-point line right in front of Joey Crawford. There was no whistle and the crowd was uphoric. Farmer did plead his case to Crawford saying that he did commit the foul but to no avail.

Here's the inconsistency. On two occasions earlier in that period, touch fouls were called against the Lakers only. How can you swallow the whistle when the play is right in front of you?

Consistency is the key here. Please do not play both sides of the fence when we are talking about the championship being at stake Refs.

Trill I Am

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