Monday, June 15, 2009

My Fanhood

Ok, ok. Let it be known that I have teams. I ride or die with the home teams, which would be Georgia as a whole. (And I have been dead for quite some time) College and professional, you name it, I support it.

You can ask anyone I know or don't know that I have been a Lakeshow fan since 1996. That's when Shaq and Kobe joined forces. I mean Showtime was cool in the 80s and early 90s but I was simply stuck on the Jordan affect. It was solidified with the first appearance in the finals against that same Showtime Lakers team. (Championship number one)

Who wasn't a Bulls fan? Everyone secretly is or was at one point in time. If not, it was a certain level of respect that people had for Chicago. Why? Because of Jordan and MJ is the reason why people today are always looking for the next Jordan.

I was 5 when I first started paying attention to the game of basketball. It was instilled into everyone, from the NBA, during that time period that you should "be like Mike". Let it be known that I still like the Bulls. That probably will not end.

I detest Boston as a whole! I despise the Patriots, Celtics, and Red Sox! New York too! Knicks, Giants, Mets and those damn Yankees! But I still respect those teams. The thing about me is I'm a sports fan, I'm a realist. Those teams do things necessary to win even though I will give my opinions on those teams.

I may pick a team to win at the beginning of their respective seasons. Hence, I may pull for that particular team. I like the Tar Heels for Men's basketball. They were my favorite to win it all this past season, and I am a fan. I had a friend of mine pick Kansas the year before last and that is simply not my college to follow, but I agreed. I want to be right when it comes to who will be the champion so I can simply say, "I told you so." "I know what I'm talking about." 99.9% of the time I will tell someone, initially, that a team will win barring any significant changes. (i.e. injuries, trades, etc.)

People, people, people. Don't judge Kobe on his past. You may think you are on top of your game right now, but your day of reckoning will come. You will reap what you so and what comes around goes around. Your past is not perfect and neither is Kobe's. We can only try to correct it and I think he is definitely headed in the right direction. Championship number four and Finals MVP number 1 as of June 14, 2009.

Harp on that, and with that,

Trill I Am

1 comment:

  1. Personnelly I Think Jordan is the best player of all time, for one reason, he was a trend setter. he was the first to do a number of things, for that reason,and that reason alone that makes him the greatest of all time,everyone wanted to be like Mike,that's why they came up with the commercial,ever sience Jordan's retirement, he has been the NBA players bar of Great or Perfect,so for the People who say Kobe is tryin to be Like Jordan or imitate Jordan, I say why Not? ((Perfect Swagger))
