Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cut from a Different Cloth

I marvel at such acts as what happened around 9:00 p.m. EST.

LeBron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh joined forces. The city of Miami just completed its transformation to the east coast's version of Los Angeles.

But this Miami Heat team is not the same as the Boston Celtics team that was formed in the 2007-08 season. So let the comparisons stop.

Garnett, Pierce, and Allen were put together at different times in there careers where they had been the man on their teams for over a decade and they saw that this would probably be their last chance to succeed.

Garnett and Allen did not have any say if they were going to Boston because they were traded with no trade exceptions in their contract. Now we knew that then-GM for Minnesota Kevin McHale had some deal worked out for Boston GM Danny Ainge and Kevin Garnett where he could end up in Boston for the foreseeable future. McHale figured he owed Garnett something since he spent his youth there with the Wolves and got little accomplished. Then McHale shipped Garnett to the franchise that he played for in his playing career.

How convenient for the Celtics.

There were hardly no General Managers involved in these proceedings that we saw three years back with the Big three in Boston.

This was free agency that had been built up for the past two years by "King James". New York had something to do with this as well but the brunt of this was LeBron.

Jesus Shuttlesworth, Pierce and KG did not have a chance to play together before and say that this was pretty cool to do like Wade, Bosh and LeBron did in the Olympics.

The big three in Boston didn't get to wine and dine together in a Chicago restaurant like the new big three did in Miami before letting intentions publicly known where they were playing.
The big three in Boston only has one superstar as to appose to three superstars in Miami.

There aren't any egos in Boston whereas Miami: King James, DWade, and CB4, self-explanatory.

Erik Spoelstra is the coach now for Miami; I can't see Pat Riley not coaching this team by January. Danny Ainge wouldn't dare try to coach a team of the magnitude that he put together through trades.

And the icing on the cake of this whole event was LeBron James having this press conference on national television.

The biggest star to come to Boston was Garnett. Garnett would have never done what James did but then again Garnett was never as big as James is or was.

The difference between those two is that Garnett has always shunned all the attention on "us 3", "we", "our team". I don't see that from LeBron and the general consensus doesn't see that either. It remains to be seen.

Kevin Garnett did almost every interview with Pierce and Allen there with him. The egos may be too big for any of the three to do that on a consistant basis.

This big three in Miami is a lot younger than the big three in Boston and notoriety there is more prevalent. Not to mention that the city is more appealing.

But the question still remains. Will this Miami team succeed like that Boston team in 07-08 by winning the title the first year together?

1 comment:

  1. If the Miami Heat win 2 championships in the next 5 years, they will be considered a failure in my opinion.
