Monday, July 20, 2009

Is the Media Against Michael Vick?

The question has to be asked in the wake of his freedom. Outside The Lines has done another follow-up on the dog-fighting conspiracy that is surrounding Michael Vick.

It is already bad enough that Vick has become the face of dog-fighting in America, but should the media continue to perpetuate this? All of the images of dog-fighting that are being associated with this story are not necessary.

Ratings is one thing, but this has been going on for the past 20 months. When Vick rehabilitates his image publicly, then the media will positively reinforce how Vick is portrayed. Inadvertently, the media is still painting Vick as a villain instead of a person trying to redeem himself.

Hopefully Vick is not fighting a losing battle. He has a lot on his plate right now. He has financial woes to handle. He also has a career to resurrect. Add in the torn reputation that he must rebuild and it is a TMZ frenzy. Why make matters worse for someone who is actually trying to get things back on the right path?

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