Friday, August 14, 2009

Second Chance for Michael Vick

Michael Vick was prepared to face the media with the type of entourage that could have reminded people of the Alpha Dogs. Vick was introduced with Eagles' heavy hitters Joe Banner, Eagles President, Andy Reid, Head Coach, and Tony Dungy, former Head Coach of the Colts. The former Atlanta Falcons QB came off to me as a man who knew he was blessed to have a second chance.

The Eagles know what he was. He was "must-see TV." He was the most electrifying player in the NFL prior to his incarceration. He was a trendsetter. Vick gave opposing head coaches sleep deprivation weeks prior to coming to or welcoming in Atlanta. He was not a great QB but he was pretty good under center.

The question is how will he fit in the offensive scheme of things? The other question is how will he fit in the locker room? The locker room will be stable because he is not an overt person. Beside this episode, he has not caused any rifts in the locker room. As far as his fit, Coach Reid will find ways to fit Vick in the system. Vick is very familiar with the "west coast" offense as he quarterbacked for the Falcons. Even though the Eagles have A.J. Feeley and Kevin Kolb in the fold, I believe that Vick will eventually be the backup QB. I foresee the Wild Cat rearing its head halfway through the season.

This a great move for the team but will the Philadelphia community accept it. On ESPN radio in Philadelphia many fans chimed in and it was more hate than love for the new acquisition. For Vick to have the public embrace him, he has to be a fixture in the community. He is part of the Humane Society and has been speaking to the young people in Metro Atlanta about being part of the solution.

Philadelphia is "The city of Brotherly Love", but this is a very fickle city when it comes to professional sports. Fans booed current QB Donovan McNabb when he was drafted back in 1998. He had to show that he was capable of leading this franchise into the right direction. Once he had success on the field, he was accepted on and off the field.

Vick will not be afforded that same opportunity as he has a different situation. He must perform to keep his job and he has to do extensive work in the community at the same time. Once he does that during the course of the year, we can re-evaluate this situation with the Eagles. The result should be positive.

Trill I Am